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  这个主要跟一些古代封建思想有关。在这里就大概说一下:   1.养儿防老的观念!很多传统习俗都是不允许女子上场的!而送宗这个行为也是男子的专属!   2.女孩子都是别人家的人的观念、俗话说嫁出去的女儿泼出去的水,   3.传统的生儿贵,生女贱的习性、   4.生理因素 中国有史以来就是一个农业大国,干农活是一种较耗体力的活动,而女性在这方面明显较于男性弱?所以都希望生一个儿子来帮忙干农活而不是生女儿来帮忙吃饭的,   5.姓氏的传承,不孝有三无后为大这是传统的一句老话,之所以无后那么严重!兴许就是某天我们都会老矣 能留下的也就是姓氏而已,而中国的传统是,下一代的姓氏是跟随父亲的、而母亲的姓氏是在一些非常特殊的情况下才跟的!所以为了家族的壮大!子孙的繁衍也会一定程度上导致重男轻女、   在一些欠发达的地区以上思想尤其明显,其实随着社会的发展!生儿生女也不在是那么重要了 能找一2111个对象幸福的过一辈子才是关键 !生男生女是命里安排吗
  可以控制 生男生女取决于男人?只要你配出第23对染色体为xy就是男孩!
1960生属鼠的卦命吉向是什么? 如果是公司最高领导办公桌的坐向应该怎么安排? 谢谢
  男女对卦命断论有别?男为巽卦 宜坐生气位(北位坎宫}面向(南离宫天医位)也可坐东南巽宫伏位向北生气位!(要结合户形门窗格局而定,宜背后有靠。背后不见窗不见门,座位朝可见窗却不可被门直冲,设座男宜龙边出入通畅?无阻少崎,女为艮卦!!
  Easy come Easy go   That's just how you live oh   Take take take it all   But you never give'   Should of known you were trouble   From the first kiss had your eyes wide open'   Why were they open?   Gave you all I had   And you tossed it in the trash'   You tossed it in the trash' you did.   To give me all your love is all I ever asked cause   What you don't understand'   Is id catch a grenade for ya.   Throw my hand on the blade for ya'   I jump in front of a train for ya.   You know I'd do anything for ya.   I would go through all this pain'   Take a bullet straight through my brain.   Yes I would die for ya baby'   But you won't do the same.   Black' black' black and blue   Beat me till I'm am numb tell the devil   I said hey when you get back to where you're from.   Bad women bad women   That's just what you are yeah   You smile in my face than rip the breaks out my car.   Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash'   You tossed it in the trash yes you did.   To give me all your fucking love is all I ever asked but   What you don't understand is id catch a grenade for ya.   Throw my hand on the blade for ya'   I'd jump in front of a train for ya.   You know I'd do anything for ya.   I would go through all this pain   Take a bullet straight through my brain.   Yes I would die for ya baby.   But you won't do the same.   If my body was on fire   Ooh you would watch me burn down in flames.   You said you loved me you're a liar   cause you never ever ever did baby...   Id catch a grenade for ya.   Throw my hand on the blade for ya'   Id jump in front of a train for ya.   You know I'd do anything for ya.   I would go through all this pain   Take a bullet straight through my brain.   Yes I would die for ya baby.   But you won't do the same.   Grenade(Walmart Soundcheck Ve) - Bruno Mars,
  :生男生女计算公式:怀孕月份*怀孕月份+孕妇农历生日月份―减去怀孕时虚龄+19、得出的结果*怀孕月份+孕妇农历生日月份―减去怀孕时虚龄+19,得出的结果单数是儿子 双数的女儿? 据说上面这个公式可以计算出自己是生男还是生女 以上的虚岁就是这里的虚龄指你怀孕果一年的年龄加上1,有一些女性朋友说这个公式挺正确的,也有的说不太准?科学的生男生女都是有男性精子的染色体决定的,所以?人们是无法控制生男还是生女 只能是顺气自然。而且!这也是人类得以延续的基础。假如都能够知道自己是生男生女的话。这个社会就会出现一些不和谐的因素!所以!建议大家都要相信础学,树立科学的生男生女观念?温馨提示、专家提醒。假如您有此类的疾病!请到专业的医院进行治疗。以防耽误病情!!

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