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  小老鼠!吱吱叫 看到猫儿就跑掉?   牛伯伯?好强壮?看到红布向前闯?   虎大王、最神气,森林之中没的比!   兔宝宝,爱睡觉?走起路来蹦蹦跳?   龙爷爷?最神秘?躺在云里猛吐气!   小白蛇!小青蛇。摇摇摆摆最有趣?   小马哥、跑得快 跑呀跑呀快快快、   羊咩咩。最贪玩,野狼来了快快跑?   小猴子!吱吱叫?红红屁股摇摇摇,   大公鸡,小公鸡!早晨起来6700喔喔啼   小狗狗?尾巴摇、坏人来了汪汪叫、   小猪猪。胖嘟嘟?打个滚1000来踏踏脚!
 8184 小心走夜路
  主题曲:十二生肖总动员 歌词:鼠牛功夫高,虎兔胆气好 龙在左!蛇在右! 马羊匆匆齐来到 猴鸡相召唤 狗猪来帮忙 十二大侠赛金刚!十二大侠赛金刚 古老的传说,唱着古老的歌谣、 风雨飘摇的江湖?有惊世传说暗藏 猪狗来无影?鸡猴去无踪 羊在西。马在东?神龙出没一阵风? 虎兔南北通!鼠牛摆正中, 十二大侠有神功?十二9713大侠有神功? 耍一段南拳北腿中华好武功 唱一曲南腔北调?神州好逍遥, 满天星光照我少年郎,千里还家乡!,十二生肖歌老鼠前面走
  是的 俗话说:老鼠过街人人喊打,老婆4059有可能都没了 多孤独!老来无伴最可怜。   正确答案是:老鼠。?
  人生就像下棋,每走一步就要看三步!   因为一子下错!满盘皆(输),   (输) 谐音为 鼠,   代表生肖:鼠、
  Let Me Go(feat. Chad Kroeger) - Avril Lavigne   .   Love that once hung on the wall   Used to mean something, but now it means nothing   The echoes are gone in the hall   But I still remember, the pain of december   .   Oh, there isn't one thing left you could say   I'm sorry it's too late   .   I'm breaking free from these memories   Gotta let it go, just let it go   I've said goodbye   Set it all on fire   Gotta let it go, just let it go   .   You came back to find I was gone   And that place is empty, like the hole that was left in me   Like we were nothing at all   It's not that you meant to me   Thought we were meant to be   .   Oh, there isn't one thing left you could say   I'm sorry it's too late   .   I'm breaking free from these memories   Gotta let it go, just let it go   I've said goodbye   Set it all on fire   Gotta let it go, just let it go   .   I let it go, and now I know   A brand new life, this tale is rude   Where it's right, you always know   So this time, I won't let go   .   There's only one thing left here to say   Love's never too late   .   I've broken free from these memories   I've let it go, I've let it go   And two goodbyes, lend you this new life   Don't let me go, don't let me go   .   Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go   .   Won't let you go, don't let me go   Won't let you go, don't let me go   .,

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