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  longing n. 渴望。热望; adj. 渴望的; 极想得到的; v. 渴望(long的现在分词) crave vt. 渴望!热望; 恳求!恳请; 要求?需要; vt. 渴望; 恳求!请求; 它们表达渴望的程度不同!crave表达的渴望最强烈、longing表达的程度没有crave那么强烈,主要的区别就在这里。、
rabbit 英[ˈræbɪt] 美[ˈræbɪt] n. 兔子,野兔; 兔子皮毛; 兔子肉; 〈俚〉新手,弱手; vi. 猎兔(通常作 go rabbiting); (兔子似的) 聚拢在一起; <英俚>唠叨?喋喋不休(常与on about连用); vt. 让…见鬼去吧; [例句]His corporate's life will be as short as a rabbit's tail. 他的公司的寿命是兔子尾巴长不了? ?
  复活节兔子(The Easter Bunny)     The Easter Bunny is a mythical character depicted as a rabbit. In legend, the creature brings baskets filled with colored eggs, candy and toys to the homes of children on the night before Easter. The Easter Bunny will either put the baskets in a designated place or hide them somewhere in the house for the children to find when they wake up in the morning.     The Easter Bunny as an Easter symbol seems to have its origins in Alsace and southwestern Germany, where it was first mentioned in German writings in the 1600s. The first edible Easter Bunnies were made in Germany during the early 1800s and were made of pastry and sugar.     The Easter Bunny was introduced to America by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700s.     According to the tradition, children would build brightly colored nests, often out of caps and bonnets, in secluded areas of their homes. The Oschter Haws would, if the children had been good, lay brightly col憨red eggs in the nest. As the tradition spread, the nest has become the manufactured, modern Easter basket, and the placing of the nest in a secluded area has become the tradition of hiding baskets     如觉得太长?可只要第一段!,
取名 (以GD作为缩写 取个英文工作室名字 IT网络工作室 )含义得是中国意思 不要俗气 国外的含 20分
  有一天?小猪在泥地里玩。起来的8983时候全身变得脏脏的!这时它觉得一个人玩太没意思了!就想找几个朋友一起玩。它看到了小兔子就喊道:“小兔子,你可以当我的好朋友一起玩吗?”小兔子看到小猪脏乎乎的就说:“你太脏了?我不跟你交朋友和你一起玩!”说完转身就走了?小猪又看到了小山羊就想和它交朋友 小山羊说:“我才不跟你交朋友、你太脏了,4254”说完也走了,接着小猪又找到了小公鸡?小鸭!可它们都不想和小猪交朋友,这时小猪才想可能是我身上太脏了它们才3133不跟我玩,就回家把身体洗得干干净净的,又出来找它们玩!这时!小兔?小山羊?小鸭!小公鸡它们看到了小猪身上已经洗干净了!就都和它交朋友一起玩了!小猪非常的开心!,
  清新 清纯 干净 安静 冷酷 寂静 阴森 单调 有利有弊吧?
 1272 童装货源找我。
仓鼠 hamster 。

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