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英语翻译 !!2
7575  今天是星期天、汤姆和他的朋友们去游览动物园。熊猫们正在睡觉,他们喜欢吃竹子,狮子奔跑着追逐着母鸡,两只老虎在河边玩耍跳跃,猴子们有的吃着东西、有的在爬树、森林里,大象们在玩着有趣的游戏?噢、看呐。一只长颈鹿正在吃树叶,小鸟们躲在树丛中!听呀?它们正在歌唱?动物们多么欢快呀。!
  在伦敦!五点钟人们结束工作回家!他们等公共汽车?赶火车,有些人开他们自己的汽车 有些人在家喝下午茶或者去酒吧喝一杯、!
  地球是我们的家园、1389我们应该保护它!所以在我们外出旅游时应该自带水瓶   The earth is our shared home, and we should protect it. So when go travelling, we should take water along ourselves.,
英语翻译,要用过去式 急 昨天晚上,我做了一个梦,梦见自己来到了童话世界里,我是一个魔
  yesterday evening, I had a dream, I dreamed that I came to the fairy tale world, I was a magician, holding magic wand, to change anything can change out. I took a magic wand came to the desert, where sand is everywhere, it can not, I flick magic wand, sky below the heavy rain, the desert with water, I fly ah fly, fly to the sea, the magic carpet disappears suddenly, I have been going down, ah!
Mother just said dreamed that I did not take an examination of the college entrance examination. ,
用英语翻译这几个水果,葡萄 釉子 西瓜 樱桃 香蕉 草莓 木瓜 蓝莓 哈密瓜
  葡萄 - grape   釉子- glaze   西瓜 - water melon   樱桃 - cherry   香蕉 - banana   草莓 - strawberry   木瓜 - papaya   蓝莓 - blue berry   哈密瓜 - cantaloupe
  When I was a child ,I always do some stupid things.Remember every time,I always laughed out loud.Do you want to know? Let me tell you.。
  doesn't like or   neither likes nor   两种写法都对,     ~~~~回答简明扼要,欢迎追问!(*^__^*) ~~~~ 水瓶的英语翻译
  周易和易经   Book of changes and the book of changes   重点词汇释义   易经The Book of Changes; book of changes!
  个人工作室   [网络] individual worker; Personal Studio;   [例句]我现在是个人工作室的室内设计师?她兼做导师工作和研究工作、   I'm a freelance interior designer now. Her work was divided between tutoring and research.!

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