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  太阳星座决定本性,   月8078亮星座决定内心的情感需要。是别人看不容易看见的!有人说,没眼光耽9303人看见的是你的上升星座(外在气质)。有眼光的人看见的6678是你的月亮星座(内心情感需要),   水星星座决定智慧类型、   3104金星星座决定价值观 爱情观 世界观之类的!,
  太阳星座:巨蟹座   月亮星座:4892水瓶座   水星星座:双子座   金星星座:狮子座?
  中文名   周星驰   外文名   Stephen Chow   别 名   星爷!星仔?阿星   国 籍   中国   民 族   汉族星 座   巨蟹座   血 型   O型   身 高   174cm   体 重   70kg   出生地   香港   出生日期   1962年6月22日,
  背景音乐-《我不入地狱》   从《7195功夫》中感受电影音乐艺术   于2004年上映的喜剧兼动作片《功夫》?成为了第42届台湾电影金马奖上面最大的赢家,获得了最佳剧情片的称号?同时周星驰0651凭借该片拿下了最佳导演 在观众欣赏《功夫》强撼的视觉冲击和完美的动作艺术的同时?以民乐为中心而又多元化几3380近完美的电影配乐也带给观众无穷的艺术享受和无尽的回味?激昂慷慨的音乐几乎贯穿整部影片,尤其是在0595精彩的打斗时,每每有振奋人心的民乐响起 《闯将令3101》《四川将军令》《十面埋伏》《东海渔歌》《小刀会组曲》,甚至还有一首《英雄们战胜了大渡河》?首首都使人热5824血贲张!一种男儿当自强的豪情不禁油然而生?很多人在看过周星驰的电影《功夫》后?会对里面的电影配乐回味不已?而所有的这些音乐都出自一个资深香港电影音乐制作人——黄英华之手   故事发生在20世纪40年代的中国。周星驰饰演一个一事无成,小偷小摸的古惑仔!立志加入当时势力最大!手段残忍的黑帮“斧头帮”!星仔试图在一个叫“猪笼城寨”的地方对居民敲诈,却不知道他们个个1411身怀绝技!结果在这里栽了跟头!星仔与居民的冲突不经意地将“斧头帮”戏剧性地卷入其中,正反两派之间的斗争正式展开、从“猪笼城寨”居民为生存而战发展到两派武术高手间的交锋,星仔渐渐地放弃了从前的思想和志向?开始领悟功夫的真谛?该片故事情节简单?但加上黄英华主制的配乐后 就显得丰富多彩。经过我搜集资料并多次欣赏该片之后,由自己的感受将《功夫》影片中所包含的电影音乐艺术?按电影情节的进展逐一呈现   电影开始的配乐是在斧头帮消灭鳄鱼帮之后,电影以富有节奏而又轻快的《我不入地狱》背景乐,将当时黑帮中斧头帮的庞大规模和黑帮一手遮天的社会状况巧妙地烘托出来?接着镜头便转进入了“猪笼城寨”、此时伴奏的是东海渔歌!东海渔歌(民族管弦乐曲)是马圣龙!顾冠仁于1959年创作的,作品以浙江民间音乐为素材,采用浙东锣鼓的打击乐器,生动地表现了渔民的劳动生活 很是的有生活气息。和影片中普通人的生活氛围相符、这里拿来表现猪笼城寨中弥漫0016着的生活的宁静、用的恰到好处?接着便到了主角星仔出场勒索的情节?这时《十6549面埋伏》这首故事表达性极强的著名琵琶传统大套武曲被加了进来!用来预示之后斧头帮大军的到来、巧妙地避免故事偶然性的情节,运用十分到位 而当斧头帮老大琛哥到来为被瞬间致残的小弟报仇之时!加进了《四川将军令》的配乐!将当时被泼满全!周星驰星座
  !其实我是一个演员?(喜剧之王)   2。飞是小李飞刀飞?刀是小李飞刀的刀 (国产007)   3,I服了You3790(大话西游)   4,你还是回火星吧,地球是很危险的、(少林足球)   5,我对你的敬仰有如滔滔水?联绵不绝 又如黄河绝堤一发不可收拾!(鹿鼎记)   6。能不能有点专业精神。(喜剧之王)   7,鸡也有爱国的!(济公)   8,古有关云长下棋刮骨疗伤、今有我007看A 带取子弹 (国产007)   9,一乡二里共三夫子不识四书五经六易竟教七八九子十分大胆,十室九贫尚且凑得八两七钱六分五厘四毫且三心二意一等下留(唐伯虎点秋香)   10,老婆!快跟牛魔王出来看上帝,(大话西游)   11?喜欢一个人需要理由吗 需要吗,不需要吗、需要吗。(大话西游)   12?人是人他妈生的?妖是妖他妈生的,只要你有一颗善良的心就不再是妖 是人妖?(大话西游)   13?你妈贵姓?(大话西游)   14?悟空?你又顽皮了 怎么能这样跟0286观音姐姐说话呢!(大话西游)   15。就算是一条内裤一张卫生纸都有它的用处?(国产007)    16,你以为躲在这里就找不你吗?没用的。像你这么出色的男人无论在哪,都像黑夜里的莹火虫,那样的鲜明,那样的出众,你那忧郁的眼神 稀嘘的胡渣子,神乎其神的刀法?还有那杯Dry martine 都深深的迷住了我。不管怎样?你永远都是我独一无二?风度翩翩的7961猪肉王子!(国产007)   17?达文西:我找到了一份兼职工作,在中央精神病院所做研究工作,问:什么研究工作?   达文西问答:被人研究!(国产007)   18。我就是美貌与智慧并重,英雄与侠义的化身——唐伯虎。(唐伯虎点秋香)   19?我一秒钟几十万上下!我会和你们去吃杂碎面?(少林足球)   20!先生?你额有朝天骨 眼里有灵光、仙人转世?神仙下凡?我终于等到你了,8063不要走?虽然我泄露天机?灾怯难免,但是我命中注定,就算我要冒天大的危险?我也要给你看个全像?(食神) 0450  21、碱水面没过过冷水,所以面里2220面全是碱水味,鱼丸也没有鱼味!但是你为了掩饰?特别加上了咖喱汁!想把它做成咖喱鱼丸?但这么做太天真了、因为你煮的时间不够!咖喱的味道只在表面上!完全没有进到里面去,放进汤里面鱼丸就被冲淡了!好好的一颗咖喱鱼丸?让7600你做得是既没有鱼味又没有咖喱味,失败。萝卜没挑过,筋太多,失败。猪皮煮得太烂,没咬头!失败?猪血又烂稀稀的。一夹就散。失败中的失,
  双子的性格嘛 双重人格呐~
《家有喜事1997》! 变成傻子之后的周星驰和自己老爸在家打台球?大嫂做裁判,各种蛋?水果做球,拖把做球杆?最后周星驰想使用一招厉害的。结果蛋破了! ?
  司仪 他高傲,但是宅心仁厚!他谦虚!但是受万人敬仰!他可以把神赐给   人类的火、运0327用得出神入化?可以烧出堪称火之艺术的超2541级菜式!他   究竟是2833神仙的化身?还是地狱的使者,没人知道,但是可以肯定,每   一个人都给他一2169个称号!“食----神-----哎呀”(一个巴掌打过来   )   史蒂芬周 你说我是神仙的化身不就好了吗!你干嘛说我是什4717么地狱的使者?地   狱关我什么鸟事!   司仪 我想给你加点神秘感嘛!   史蒂芬周 你想,那什么时候轮到我想,神秘感、我神你老母。画面阴黑 spot   一打下来就把你这个王八蛋打得跟鬼一样?这个样子你还嫌不够神秘   感,我现在4662不是拍恐怖片呀大哥?    司仪 导演安排的,   史蒂芬周 你找个人把这个导演干掉,然后再找个人把你也给我干掉!就是个有   这样的废物导演、再加上你这样的废物司仪,你们两个配合起来,不   是存心要整我吗,你到底是不是在耍我啊?   司仪 对不起?我下次不会再这样啦,!
  Stephen Chow movies and personal data files   Chinese name: Stephen Chow   English name: Stephen Chow   Date of birth: June 22, 1962   Lunar New Year: Tiger   Place of Birth: Hong Kong   Origin: Shanghai   Sun Constellation: Cancer   Moon Constellation: Aquarius   Height: 174cm   Weight: 65kg   Idol: Bruce Lee   Favorite stars: Chow Yun-fat, Jackie Chan   Character: cheerful, and gas, stubborn   Interests: singing, operas   Favorite sports: horse riding, soccer, snooker, swimming   Most grateful to the people: Li Xiuxian, Wan Ziliang   Favorite actor: Robert Dini Road   Favorite singers: Anita Mui   Favorite song: song lyric   Favorite dance: DISCO   Favorite clothes Zang: Casual   Favorite shoes: cloth shoes   Favorite accessories: Table   Favorite color: blue   Favorite animals: dogs   Best hope: make a lot of money to study   The worst of the subjects: mathematics   Appearance look like: half of all parents   Most want to go to the place: at home   Favorite music: classical music   Favorite book: Chinese classic novels, comic books   Like the seasons: spring and autumn   Favorite people: mothers   Biggest wish: Since my self-directed   1988   "Thunderbolt vanguard" virgin works, performances by virtue of character   "Wind catchers man" state of inertia performance   "Best son-in-law" state of inertia performance   1989   "Dragon in the Tianya" supporting role, the peak performance   "Yidan Qunying" unsatisfactory   "Rogue poor woman"   Wu Junru and performance together to make sparks, the first time in transition   1990   "Jackie Chan look-fu," Wu Litou performing rudimentary, comedy talent Chulu   "A comic Chuang Tianya" Wu Litou performing rudimentary, comedy talent Chulu   "Yesterday Once restaurant" flat, but the audience has been recognized   "We Tonglu" flat, but the audience has been recognized   "Kalilajiao" completely overshadowed the performances Jacky Cheung   "A thief Star" state of inertia performance   "Shixiong hit ghost" state of inertia performance   "St. gambling," won the annual top ten box office hit when the first film, beginning with partner Wu Mengda   "Invincible Lucky" performance in general   "Finally a veteran political arena," the general performance   "Duxia" won the second annual top 10 box office hit movie, Chow has become famous   1991   "Tricky Brains," the new comedy movie themes, and Wang Jing has initially formed a tacit understanding   "Longdechuanren" Wu Litou show stereotypes   "The new Jingwu Men 1991" Wu Litou show stereotypes   "Fight Back to School" Qiangdang summer, when the blockbuster movie the first 10   "Duxia 2 on the beaches of St. gambling," Gong Li, Fang Jiwei played at the Hong Kong version, the Taiwan version of the female lead, Chow has become box-office guarantee   "Qingsheng" Maoshun Jun and his opponent plays, but the main characters too much, "Star" More modest   "Haomenyeyan" guest   1992 (the year is Zhou Xingchi)   "Comic Veyron" It was the beginning of suspected Chow in the end how much longer can persist   "Jiayouxishi" Hong Kong one of the most successful comedy, when the second annual top 10 blockbuster movies   "Fight Back to School 2" is known as Waterloo   "Official death trial" When the film first hit the top 10   "Luding Ji" When the third annual Top 10 blockbuster movies   "Royal Tramp II" When the 10 year blockbuster movie fifth   "Wu Su Qier champion" When the fourth in the 10 blockbuster movies   1993   "Fight Back to School 3-over chicken," when the seventh annual top 10 blockbuster movies, some people say that this is the final year of weeks   "Snowster point mobiledog" When the first 10 blockbuster movies, Chow ***   "Economy of" crushing defeat   1994   "Pohuaizhiwang" habitual performance   "九品芝麻官of flour Justice Bao" selected the top 10 when the blockbuster movie   "Ling Ling Chinese lacquer" and Yuan Yongyi together to make sparks, Wu Litou performances fully mature, and the cooperation has recognized Luo Jiaying   1995   "Journey to the West of the 101 back Whether" the second in transition, were then selected the 10 blockbuster films, Wu Litou *** + + romantic imagination   "Journey to the West Wan Jiepian of Cinderella"   "Huihun Night" continue to try restructuring, I do not see the basic features of the audience to accept the general   "Baibianxingjun" was Stephen Chow movie box office is the best one, is a "Tricky Brains," a continuation of   "King of Comedy," the third time in transition, in-depth form of comedy, since my shot lead   "Qianwangzhiwang 2000," Wu Litou cast aside, in-depth and meticulous comedy completely overshadowed protagonist Zhang Jiahui   2001   "Shaolin Soccer" Hong Kong has created the highest level since before the box office, to the cause since his debut summit   2004   "Kung Fu" Tinggao heard that the box office, but I feel that too little of the art components, computer special effects are not optimistic about,

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