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  解梦:   梦见考试,通常来说、是学生时代考试压力造成的内心焦虑在梦里的重现!这样的梦出现?往往你身边遇到了类似的情境?工作或生活中感觉到了类似考试的压力?事实上,它经常出现在第二天要面对风险 你必须要向别人展示你的实力或成果!而且你知道要承担后果的大事前,比如面试?考核。汇报、一桩重要的生意甚至相亲、恋爱前。于是这种压力 让你的潜意识唤起了过去少年时代类似的深刻体验,并在梦里全!偷偷重现、如1553果梦见考试没带笔?或是忘了准考证等?则5108是这种焦虑的强烈体现,   但还有一种情况?就是你的一切都很好 生活很放松 突然梦见了这样的情景,并在梦里感到像学生时代一样非常紧张?这种情况则通常是潜意识在以重现的形式,释放你过去的焦虑。   除此以外!通常说来?梦见参加考试,预示在现实生活中,你将获得成功,   梦见没有考好、预示会取得好成绩。   梦见考试落榜,预示理想会实现!   梦见自己监考!预示你会出名,取得成就?   梦见自己被考出考场,暗示考试落榜。或是将面临挫折。   考生梦见考试未通过?能得到好分数、   原版周公解梦:   梦大雨中考试,吉,应试逢雨,本为不顺。但梦中得之?则为吉兆?主功 名大利 《梦林玄解》   梦考试!此梦兆于君子?为朝野5457精神感通,指日显扬通泰之应,非德之人,或梦兆此、则主大凶事,梦应贤4367良方医科,应此兆者,盛德之祥!登庸之象?文士得此。主司名姓?有汉刘之字者,必有遇合投4481契之占。老病者梦此不吉祥。梦8033应弘辞诗赋?说其题 是命何辞0638何诗何赋?文士可以以此推题旨,利于唐姓之人!平人梦之,主才艺精通!声歌清妙、梦应制策试、应弄清是何题。文人姓叶者吉;平人讼事;武人中式;少年不事诗书者 兆克刀笔为吏也!临场访题目前兆?大宜细推 梦应会试!主登第之兆;梦应廷试,主鼎甲之祥!如本非文士,则主身投罗网。此非佳占?梦应举子试?临试者应近?平日者应远,呈卷见收者、吉;不收者。凶。平人或应于子弟,否则为讼狱之象。梦应生意试,读书者主身有受困之事,小口欠宁,梦人临考试者!文人中举!平人入狱 凡事拘留不释之象,《梦林玄解》   梦日中考试对策!吉,凡0049所谋若有神助、事事吉利!《梦林玄解》,
  Beethoven( Ludwig van Beethoven,1770~1827), one of the German greatest musicians.Ancestral home Holland.( also say the Poland), was born in civilian's family of German Bonn, have already reared the music talent very much, eight years old starts going on stage the performance.Arrive the 维 in 1792 too the advanced study of 纳 , the art goes forward the step flies quickly.Beethoven believes in the republican, emphasizing the hero, artistic have the excellent work that large quantity is filled with ages breathing, such as:Symphony 《 hero 》 , 《 destiny 》 ;The overture 《哀 space receives with the 》 ;The piano plays the hot liver the etc. of 》 in》 , 《 in storm in》 , 《 in song in moonlight in》 , 《 in sad 怆 in《 in song in鸣 .The whole life is frustrated, diding not establish family.The hour of 26 years old starts the deaf, the old age is all and deaf, can pass to talk the volume and person's confabulation.But the lonely life dids not make him silent to back with the 隐 , in the wholely progress thought all were restored monarchy by prohibition against feudalism age, guard securely the political conviction of the " freedom, equal" still, pass the speech with the work, shout for the ideal the arm of 奋 in republican, write down the immortal make the 《 the ninth symphony 》 .His work is enlightened by 18 centuries sport with the influence that Germany shot up the onrush the sport, the character is fresh and clear, than people of the past had the very big development.In music expressing, he involve almost at that time all of music form;Increases consumedly the performance dint of the piano, make it been handed over to ring the sexual drama result;Make symphony become again to reflect the important music form that society replace directly.Beethoven gather the classical music big, developped the romantic period and musical road at the same time, have got the prominent function to the musical development in world, drive your respectful name is" enjoy the saint".   贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven。1770-1827),德国最伟大的音乐家之一 祖籍荷兰(亦说波兰)。出生于德国波恩的平民家庭?很早就显露了音乐才能。八岁开始登台演出?1792年到维也纳深造、艺术上进步飞快、贝多芬信仰共和,崇尚英雄?创作了有大量充满时代气息的优秀作品?如:交响曲《英雄》!《命运》?序曲《哀格蒙特》?钢琴奏鸣曲《悲怆》!《月光曲》、《暴风雨》,《热情》等等?一生坎坷、没有建立家庭 二十六岁时开始耳聋 晚年全聋、只能1531通过谈话册与人交谈?但孤寂的生活并没有使他沉默和隐退 在一切进步思想都遭禁止的封建复辟年代里 依然坚守“自由!平等”的政治信念!通过言论和作品,为共和理想奋臂呐喊?写下不6114朽名作《第九交响曲》!他的作品受十八世纪启蒙运动和德国狂飙突进1293运动的影响!个性鲜明、较前人有了很大的发展?在音乐表现上!他5860几乎涉及当时所有的音乐体裁!大大提高了钢琴的表现力!使使之获得交响性的戏剧效果,又使交响曲成为直接反映社会变革的重要音乐形式、贝多芬集古典音乐的大成 同时开辟了浪漫时期音乐的道路。对世界音乐的发展有着举足轻重的作用。被尊称为“乐圣”、,
  我最近睡觉老喜欢做梦?一睡着梦就来了 我的梦有两种类2116型:一种是好梦?一种是恶梦 做好梦会让我整天都快快乐乐的、做恶梦则会让我胆战心惊 一晚上都睡不好!害得我白天上课时打瞌睡被老师骂 还要写检讨!拿回去给妈妈签字!结果又被挨一顿骂,真是惨啊。所以我每天睡觉前都祈祷着做好梦?但2231常常事与愿违?做不了几天好梦,恶梦又来干扰我了,唉,真拿它没办法, 有一天!我进入梦乡时!梦见我在一次考试中、因为认真复习,细心检查 公布成绩的时候?我以一百分的好成绩。拿到了全班第一名!这可是我0358多年的心愿啊!当时激动得眼睛都快流出来了,回家后?我赶紧把成绩拿给爸爸妈妈看 他们也非常高兴 不仅带我到肯德基大饱口福?还奖励我十元钱!那时候?我简直觉得自己就是世界上最快乐?最幸福的人,早上被闹铃吵醒时我还在笑呢? 但是、做恶梦可就一点也不美了 有次睡着后 我8464慢慢进入了梦乡,梦见我放学回家时!一不小心踩到了一块香蕉皮,摔得四脚朝天。还滑出了几米远,之后就迷路了?正当我在哭的时候?一阵大风吹来、我都还没来及时反应过来!就被吹下了山崖、落到了一片草原上。四周荒无人烟 连鸟儿也没看见一个 只有风儿使劲刮着,我吓得跳了起来。然后就啥也不知道了,第二天醒来后!我才发现自己2543居然尿床了、多么地羞人啊,还好是在家里做梦,要是在外面跟同学在一起时可怎么得了啊。 我希望以后少做点恶,
  The Wu Xing,also known as the Five Phases,the Five Agents,the Five Movements,and the Five Steps/Stages,are chiefly an ancient mnemonic device,in many traditional Chinese fields.   It is sometimes translated as Five Elements,but the Wu Xing are chiefly an ancient mnemonic device,hence the preferred translation of "movements","phases" or "steps" over "elements".By the same token,Mu is thought of as "Tree" rather than "Wood".   The five elements are:   Wood (Chinese:木,pinyin:mù)   Fire (Chinese:火,pinyin:huǒ)   Earth (Chinese:土,pinyin:tǔ)   Metal (Chinese:金,pinyin:jīn)   Water (Chinese:水,pinyin:shuǐ)   The system of five phases was used for describing interactions and relationships between phenomena.It was employed as a device in many fields of early Chinese thought,including seemingly disparate fields such as geomancy or Feng shui,astrology,traditional Chinese medicine,music,military strategy and martial arts.,
  1、What will human beings and animals be like without water?2、The problem about lacking water is becoming more and more serious,whose reasons are the development of agriculture and industry and pollution.3、Measures should be taken to solve the problems about lacking water ,making full use of ,avoiding pollution and refining the rain and sea water.?梦见英语作文
英语作文 我国许多地区都处于严重缺水状态
  Difficiency of water occurs in most of areas in our country
  人在教室 心在外   读书不如谈恋爱    补充:   张庾玄带着蔡依林在周星池喝水!   突然刮起了谢霆风!   从水中出了一条吴奇龙,   吴2072奇龙手持郑伊剑?   骑着黄家驹?   抢走了蔡依林、   张庾玄手0652持周华剑 ,   踏着温兆轮?翻过了赵本山!   穿过了关芝林!   跃过了潘长江   抢回了蔡依林。   回到了郭富城,   还在城中挂起了任贤旗!   补充:、
  (1)   I had a good dream last night. I'm going to be a cameraman when I grow up. I'm going to read many special books and practise shooting every day. I'm going to take many photo and send them to magazines and newspapers. I love nature and beautiful scene. Wish my camera , I could record the wonderful moment and picturesuqe scene and let others share with me. I love photographing.   I hope my dream can come true some day.   中文翻译:   我昨天晚上做了一个好梦,我长大之后要做一个摄影师。我每天都要去读很多书,而且必须练习摄像、我会把我每天照的相片发3153表在报纸和杂志上。我爱大自然和美丽的风景!要我有2932一台照相机。我就会捕捉美好的景象!然后让大家一起分享!   我喜欢摄影 希望某天我的梦可以成真!     (2)   Last night I had a dream, in my dream, I as if place oneself in fairyland. Clouds around in my side, the wind light my hair , the birds play with me. In the dream, I was a painter, I use the most beautiful brush, picture the people dreams. Suddenly woke up, everything disappeared again...... I think, this is the most beautiful a dream of my!   昨天晚上我做了一个梦?在梦中?我仿佛置身于仙境中,朵朵白云环绕在我的身边 7363微风轻拂我的发丝,小鸟与我同玩乐!在梦中。我是一个画家,?
  飞向太空2028年、地球的环境极度恶化,联合国决定派出一支由科学家组成的调查小组?寻找第二个可以供人类生活4717的星球、而我就是调查小组一员中!我和其他几名科学家登上了飞船?“轰……”的一声飞船起飞了。……经过了很长时间的飞行我们将落在一个与地球相似的有大气层的星球。我们走出飞船!看见了一个仙境:蔚蓝的天空!洁白的云朵、碧绿的草坪,鲜艳的花朵、清澈的湖水和漫山遍野的树木……我们继续往前走 突然 一艘巨大的UFO降落在我们面前、里面走出几个人穿着十分奇特:衣服是用白色的布做的下摆很长代替了裤子?更特别的是!它们头上竟还有个光环!简直和古希腊神话里的神一个样 我们还愣着呢?他们先开口了!一位长者走出了向我们鞠了一躬:“你们好,你们是地球上的人类吧、这里是帕索斯特星球、我4605们是帕索斯特人,我们去过地球很多次、最早降落在8779一个叫做希腊的地方!我们种族中9719一个叫做普罗米修斯的?教会1024了人类用火。人了十分感激称我们为神……”“你们会说我们人类的语言?”没等他说完 我就惊叫起来 “哈哈哈哈——”那长者捋捋胡子 “何止是会呢。你们人类的语言也是我们教的啊。”“哦,是这样啊。”我们异口同声、“5970那真是谢谢了,”说完。我们和他们一起笑了起来!“时间不早了!我们也该去执行勘0443探任务了,要不。就先告辞了、”勘探组组长的话点醒了我们!我们这赛想起自己是来执行勘探任务的。我们向他们告了别、登上飞船向别的星球驶去!,
  (My View on Fate)   How to see the fate?There is no consensus among people about fate.Some people think one’s fate is destined while he comes into the world.Simultaneously,some people think one’s fate is controlled by himself .   The former always think only rare people is lucky and destined.Hence,when opportunity comes,they usualy let it be rather than take effective measure,and say fate is unfair to them.   On the contrary,quite a few people claim that fate is unfair to everybody.Only by struggling and sweating,you’ll attain success and luck,you’ll enjoy a high-standard life.It just as old saying goes “As you sow,so shall you reap.”   As far as I am concerned,I agreed the latter.Thus,in order to get master degree,I’m paying painstaking on my lesson.In other words,the hard you work,the much progress you get.   Obviously,from what has been discussed above,we can safely draw a conclusion that fate is equitable to every one.Through struggling,you’ll achieve you goal and good fate.!

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