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  你梦到题目没,   梦到很快收卷 是要你要快的抓紧时间看书了?要记重点、时间不多了,也可能是太紧张了?放松一点、
  胡子1695是成熟男人的标志,恋爱时期梦见刮胡子很正常、说明你有了要作一个真正男人的愿望?梦见刮胡子也许就是你成功的开始 呵呵?祝福你 ?
  26!The matter B!that you were arguing about last night had been settled.(1分) A as B!that C for which D!what 27?_____D?Giving___ us light and heat, the sun is shining bright in the sky.(1分) A、To give B?Give C?Given D?Giving 28 The child didnˊt let go of her motherˊs hand and was ___B?reluctant ___ to leave her mother.(1分) A!willing B reluctant C,inclined D!declined 29。As the salary is high, the __A,competition ____ for the job is very severe.(1分) A!competition B?contest C?compliment D!constant 30,Judging from the report, we can ___D!imagine ___ that more than 500 deaths are caused by drunken driving in England every year.(1分) A,declaim B!decline C。assume D?imagine 31!As well as being very __A,particular ____ about the horsesˊ condition, the old horseman was equally concerned about their appearance when picking horses.(1分) A particular B。worried C feared D、delightful 32!Luckily, most sheep __B,survived ____ the flood last month(1分) A?endured B?survived C lived D?passed 33?They ___B!are lacking of ___ a general understanding of the present situation.(1分) A!lack of B?are lacking of C!lack D、are in lack 34,If it ___A?had not been raining ___ yesterday afternoon, I would have gone fishing.(1分) A!had not been raining B!were not raining C?would not be raining D!should not be raining 35,We are happy to find that this Italian restaurant is __A,superior ____ to the one we went to last week.(1分) A。superior B?inferior C!lesser D、exceeding 36!My new hat is ___D similar ___ to the one you have.(1分) A、familiar B,same C!equal D similar 37,He was ___C!awarded ___ the gold medal for being the best player.(1分) A?rewarded B?forwarded C!awarded D,towards 38,The kind of books an author writes ___B,depends __on the kind of person that he is.(1分) A?was depended B!depends C,depend D!were depended 39、Not until the sun set ___C?did he arrive ___ at the mountain village.(1分) A!had he arrived B,could he have arrived C!did he arrive D,might he have arrived 40,You should concern yourself with what is said, not what you think ___A。ought to be said ___. (1分) A!ought to be said B,must say C!have to be said D!need to say、
你好: 看不懂什么意思?但我想说得是: 只是梦而已 南柯一梦!梦是假的、不必当真, 我认为只是睡觉时!无意中胳膊压着胸口了?从而压0939迫心脏?进而大脑供血不足引起脑部活动了!也就是俗语中的做梦! 科学研究表明,梦是睡眠时身体内外各种刺激或残留在大脑里的外界刺激引起的景象活动 也就是说梦不代表什么。没有任何意义?更不是什么征兆、 最多只能代表你昨天晚上没有休息好!也就是俗说的觉没有睡好, 也许有的话,就是白天醒来、脑海里留下了一段回忆罢了? 对吧! 送你一句话:过好今天,明天0622会更美好! 希望能对你有所帮助?更祝你开心快乐每一天、! !。梦见考试题都不会做
梦见自己考试都不会做,但有帮我答题 是什么意思?
   求佛不如求己?因为7212自己本就是佛?谁也靠不上 不如自己现在用功、。
意味着会有狡猾的人正在悄悄地设法接近你,然后乘机捞你一把!所以要小心。尤其要注意女性对你的捉弄? 、

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