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  26?The matter B!that you were arguing about last night had been settled.(1分) A!as B!that C。for which D,what 27!_____D!Giving___ us light and heat, the sun is shining bright in the sky.(1分) A。To give B?Give C?Given D!Giving 28?The child didnˊt let go of her motherˊs hand and was ___B,reluctant ___ to leave her mother.(1分) A!willing B?reluctant C!inclined D,declined 29 As the salary is high, the __A?competition ____ for the job is very severe.(1分) A。competition B。contest C。compliment D!constant 30!Judging from the report, we can ___D,imagine ___ that more than 500 deaths are caused by drunken driving in England every year.(1分) A?declaim B,decline C!assume D?imagine 31、As well as being very __A,particular ____ about the horsesˊ condition, the old horseman was equally concerned about their appearance when picking horses.(1分) A?particular B?worried C!feared D,delightful 32,Luckily, most sheep __B、survived ____ the flood last month(1分) A!endured B?survived C!lived D?passed 33 They ___B?are lacking of ___ a general understanding of the present situation.(1分) A?lack of B!are lacking of C、lack D are in lack 34、If it ___A?had not been raining ___ yesterday afternoon, I would have gone fishing.(1分) A?had not been raining B were not raining C,would not be raining D!should not be raining 35、We are happy to find that this Italian restaurant is __A,superior ____ to the one we went to last week.(1分) A!superior B!inferior C,lesser D,exceeding 36 My new hat is ___D、similar ___ to the one you have.(1分) A,familiar B same C,equal D!similar 37?He was ___C awarded ___ the gold medal for being the best player.(1分) A!rewarded B!forwarded C、awarded D?towards 38?The kind of books an author writes ___B,depends __on the kind of person that he is.(1分) A?was depended B?depends C,depend D were depended 39、Not until the sun set ___C did he arrive ___ at the mountain village.(1分) A?had he arrived B could he have arrived C!did he arrive D、might he have arrived 40、You should concern yourself with what is said, not what you think ___A、ought to be said ___. (1分) A,ought to be said B,must say C?have to be said D!need to say,
  梦见考试题不会做同学帮忙   91   梦见考试题不会做同学帮忙的梦境解释:   感情的升温需要友情的帮忙 在你喜欢的人面前!朋友若能为你多说好话的话?往往4217能打动他的心、对你另眼相看?此外,浪漫的机会也需要朋友来帮你营造!例如以集体活动的名义把他约出去?却为你制造单独相处的机会?      梦见考试题不会做同学帮忙的吉凶:   基础坚实 心身安泰!奴上位之引1286进而顺调成功发展?能享得幸福?长寿,圆满,【大吉昌!】   仅供娱乐?切勿当真?,
  梦见抱着孕妇过河?一切都会顺利如意,   如果商人梦见抱着孕妇过河?能够扭亏为盈?   如果是女人梦见抱着孕妇过河?会生男孩,、
  梦见水井枯竭和考试题难意味着:这两天的学业运势特别强?上课特4725别有体悟与心得。考运好、作业和报告能如期完成?课5383堂表现不错!主要原因是思考能力变强!能够灵活的运思!许多技巧性的专业问题难不倒你、财运方面的运势仍然相对较弱 尽量避免金钱上的往来!W 仅供娱乐、不能当真!?梦见考试题答案
  你签字了没??就是违纪的一个程序 如果没签字 说明0956没有进入你的诚信档案 那么不会影响?
  舅舅代表贵人------救救。遇到舅舅,一切事情都能够烟消雾散。得处解决。   蛇一般代表困难和烦恼!用蛇治病是以毒攻毒!贵人帮助你用困难和烦恼(掌握了其中诀窍) 消9385除你自身的困难和烦恼 乃至万事大吉!好。很有创意的梦境! 祝你好运常在
  (1)   ∫dx/[(x-1)(x-2)]   =∫[1/(x-2) - 1/(x-1)] dx   = ln|(x-2)/(x-1)| +C   (1)   y=e^x , y=e, y轴   x=0 , y=e^0 = 1   A   =∫(1->e) x dy   =∫(1->e) lny dy   = [ylny]|(1->e) -∫(1->e) dy   = e - (e-1)   =1,
   反应你对你一家的未来的发展感到彷徨 不安全感,有益的建议是安排你孩子初定一个以后职业的方向!比如搞软件技术的还是当职业等的、

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